ai-first data platform

The fastest way to query your production data.

Use an AI SQL editor to query your database. Collaborate on analytics and feature development.

For product & engineering

How it works in 90 seconds.

ai sql editor
Define queries
real-time data
Build features

Accelerate your team's data workflows.

AI-first SQL editor

Ask natural language questions to automate SQL and return live data.

Collaborate on data

Turn queries into tables, graphs, and alerts the entire team can use.

Use real-time data

Build analytics and product features using interoperable API endpoints.


Build iterative queries with AI

Ask natural language questions on top of your database or unified data. Build iterative SQL queries to return live data.

save queries

Collaborate with your team

Share queries with stakeholders to explore data, analyze, and iterate. Add organizational context to make your data more accessible.


Build features on top of your queries

Publish queries to use them in your product. Use the API to visualize data, trigger actions, or surface information to end users.

Use velvet

Collaborative data platform

table icon
Fast queries

Connect your database and query tables in milliseconds.

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Unified data

Connect additional data sources into one unified data system.

sparkle icon
AI sidekick

Write native, complex SQL queries using our AI editor.

code icon
Simple API

Access queries as API endpoints to build real-time data features.

groupings icon
Collaborative workspace

Build iterative queries that your entire team can access.

graph icon
Visualize queries

Make charts and graphs for analysis, or embed them in your app.

Q & A

Who is Velvet built for?
How do I get started?
What data sources do you support?
What are common use cases?
How much does it cost?
ai-first data platform

Make everyone on your team a data engineer.

Try Velvet for free

Articles to learn more

Enter the Velvet challenge

Collect the most points for the chance to win a cash prize.

Sync your database - How it works

Securely connect and query your database with Velvet.

How we used Velvet during our product launch

Using Velvet to analyze our launch and automate onboarding.